I have recently been asked by the owner to revamp the current commission structure that has been in place for? - michigan rv dealers
nearly 19 years. Obvoiusly I need to research and one that encourages hard work and find our salepeople motivated. But what other concerns should I consider? Ways to save co. $ Proformance increase with low% less cancellation, profits, etc.?
Please give me some advice.
I am a sales manager in half the size of an RV dealer in Michigan.
1 comment:
In order to promote hard work and motivation, a commission structure, you need to see it in sales.
For example, the first thing that came to mind is: Keep it simple! The sales staff - or any vendor for that matter - make an incision to the Commission at the forefront in the implementation of a sale ... or are about to sell ... Greeting or customers. Know what you are doing is to be a good source of motivation.
But you want to have a tough job, so that the dump rate "program" of the Commission and that step by step "system". To do this, find out what your absolute maximum give the Commission, they are willing to, and the percentage lower than you think you can get away with it. Then there is the center.
Then find the average number of sales and the highest and lowest sales for a certain period (eg weekly, monthly, annually) and convert the month.
It is the easiest step.
For example: 10% - 20% - 30%, 15 units, 20 units.
Earn 10% forthe sale, 20% of total sales during the month, when selling it 15 or more this month.
30% of total sales during the month, where it refers to 20 units this month.
All for sale, if 14 units are sold, your commission is 10% of 14 units. When the last unit on the last day of the month are sold. It currently gets 20% in 15 units.
Now, how can someone sitting pretty at 10%? Well, if every 12 sold to 18 ships per month, quite regularly, so the rule must take the mark of 20% at least once every 6 months to complete. Or once per quarter.
If you do not want to use a stick to motivate them, or if you want to offer carrots as well as offer and a premium for each level. That means you get $ 100 more when it hits its target of 15 units and another $ 500 if he reaches 20 points. (For 600 in total)
Whatever you do, stay on the map! Nothing sucks the life of a sales team more quickly than a boss who keeps changing the rules in order to save money. Take time beforehand to discuss details. Not just from something togEther improvise.
Both ideas are of other faiths have bonuses and percentages, as well as retro.
To add the premiums, all I can say is that two goals are achieved two awards earned. If you give only to 500 in total, and then $ 50 for 15 units and $ 450 for 20 units. (Or) is that the multiplication bonuni bring happiness to many people.
To reverse the percentages, you can imagine the momentum that the seller is the end of the month and has already sold 14 units? It could raise serious funds for the month to sell more! Talk about your motivation.
This is a good idea: As of 1% (or other) and add 1% for each unit sold. So if you are 10 units per month, receive a 10% sale. If you sell 20 units to 20%. Which practically guarantees they will not work hard to get up to 15 units per week, then STOP the left. (He stops, of course, because they know that they are 20 units per week, so that only the coast.)
It also ensures that the company would not pay too much for weak sales, while IST
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